Uploaded: 1 month ago. Concept, story and characters: Kattu/PaoGordo. File size: 1. File size: 5. MIME Type: image/jpeg. after commissioning so many artists, you start to consider the whole package and not just the art itself. File size: 3. I'd love it to have more pages, but that's what I could do. Colors done by the awesome ICUdhara! Fun in internship is another story written by Brazzel from the preys’ perspective that I like very much! So, you can imagine it’ll give a very good comic! If you go now to my Patreon page and support us with $10 a month, you’ll get access to all the 9 sketch pages of this comic. Resolution: 10000x1895. though it does give a grander insight into the minds of gabi's victims before they die. MIME Type: image/jpeg. Gabi and her friends Lily, Karen and Meg are on vacations and decided to have a fun trip around the country. yes, threesome gone bad is a awesome concept for vore! and yes, I love Icudhara's art but also she's awesome to work with, very transparent with her schedule and very dedicated. Comments: 8. MIME Type: image/png. MIME Type: image/png. Archive > kattu > Comics > Gabi and Lily in 'Fun with Dragon Maid' > Fun with Dragon Maid - 01 < < Previous Next > > Click here to see the original full-sized image. We may collect data that you submit to us directly or data that we collect. Tags : Alternate Universe Breast Expansion Breasts F/F F/M f/multiple Gabi (kattu) Huge belly Huge breasts Kobayashi kobayashi-san chi no maid. Art done by the awesome ICUdhara. I've reached about 1000 artists backed up, but most of those are on Aryion. 67 MiB. MIME Type: image/jpeg. 69 MB, 1000x3959, 1000:3959, Gabi and Emily - 04 - 01. Views: 14,146. Resolution: 2480x3508. Favorites: 431. . Favorites: 334. 4. Views: 5,188. File size: 3. Favorites: 63Posted by kattu 3 years ago Report the writter didn't put any references for Red vs Blue, must be a coincidence. This is actually the THIRD TIME! The first time is when Gabi ate her potential boyfriend after they had their first kiss, for the same reason as here. Unfortunately, due to a snowstorm, they got stuck in a hotel with nothing to do. If you look the comics done by EcchiPanda, you'll that they draw Gabi with a big butt too. Writing: VaguenessIncoming. MIME Type: image/png. Gabi and her sister Emily visit VoreCon, the Comic Con for vore lovers. everyone else in Gunung see them as the third one, like a full beastX3. Uploaded: 2 years ago. Posted by kattu 3 years ago Report. I loved it! no problem dude, I'm always sharing something here. Favorites: 213Posted by kattu 5 years ago Report. 73 MiB. High-Res Vore Pinups Updated Weekly. 2022-07-04 15:21:53 ⚑ Flag ☆ Favorite Downloads Download Gunung_4. MIME Type: image/jpeg. I wish I could share everything, but those comics I sell is what sustain the pics (and still some comics) that I post for free. com) submitted 4 months. Views: 17,061. Tags : Blonde Girl blonde pred Breasts Butt Emily (Kattu) F/F F/M f/multiple Gabi (kattu) Multiple Preys Oral Vore Same Size Soft Vore Underage prey. Today is Jill's birthday and she decided to celebrate with some friends. 90 MiB. Comments: 3. Resolution: 2893x4092. 14 MiB. MIME Type: image/jpeg. Everything was great till Gabi started to suspect Emily was lying saying this was a real vore convention. Comments: 36. Parts 2 and 3 will take some time to be made, but hopefully everything will be ready till the end. File size: 3. MIME Type: image/jpeg. Resolution: 2480x3508. MIME Type: image/png. Remember that, to control her appetite, Gabi used to eat a person at least once per week since she was 7 yo. Uploaded: 1 year ago. File size: 8. File size: 3. Comments: 9. zip Content Concept, story and characters: Kattu/PaoGordo. Hi, thanks for visiting my profile. Uploaded: 7 months ago. Posted by kattu 4 years ago Report. Tags : Alice (kattu) Christmas Emily (Kattu) F/F Female Pred Female Prey Gabi (kattu) Oral Vore Same Size Soft Vore. 60 MiB. Art done by Varu. share. 39 MiB. File size: 5. Resolution: 3500x2926. MIME Type: image/jpeg. File size: 4. File size: 4. File size: 3. Resolution: 2480x4455. Favorites: 91File size: 5. A commission done by BigBig. MIME Type: image/jpeg. Comments: 2. At least Jill has a full belly, so the others can have the cake. Comments: 61. Views: 25,770. Resolution: 2893x4092. Views: 28,531. Favorites: 230. Resolution: 2761x4561. Favorites: 93File size: 11. Favorites: 547Uploaded: 1 month ago. Writing: Brazzel. Art done by the awesome ICUdhara. MIME Type: image/jpeg. Comments: 20. Art done by SunnyHero. Tags : Alice (kattu) Emily (Kattu) F/F F/M f/multiple Gabi (kattu) lingerie Mass Vore MIB2 Multiple Preys Oral Vore Same Size Serleena Soft Vore. Dejando a un lado la "lógica vore", sería razonable pensar que un pred posee una fuerza sobrehumana, es lo mínimo como para ser capaz de someter a una persona la cual muchas veces es igual o incluso más grande que él, y mucho menos moverse sin más con el doble o triple de peso añadido. Tags : Alice (kattu) Burp Christmas Emily (Kattu) F/F Female Pred Female Prey Gabi (kattu) Oral Vore Same Size Soft Vore. Characters: Kattu/PaoGordo. I'll post the rest with the agreement that you guys will share it to others who want it. 67 MiB. In anticipation of the new chapter in the saga of "Paula the prostitute", Icudhara made the cover art for chapters one and two. Comments: 10. Commission Our. MIME Type: image/jpeg. Comments: 24. ICUdhara's page:Posted by Runbot 7 months ago Report. Resolution: 4524x2671. Resolution: 2333x5250. Comments: 24. 14 MiB. Views: 12,910. Views: 35,634. also, yeah, Jenny is awesome! Posted by Bellyl0ver 3 years ago ReportUploaded: 1 year ago. Tags : Christmas Emily (Kattu) Gabi (kattu) Oral Vore Same Size Soft Vore. its kinda like a switch is flippedPosted by kattu 5 years ago Report. Comments: 24. 17 MiB. Bonding By kattu -- Report. Views: 4,991. Resolution: 2480x3508. Resolution: 2719x4513. Views: 7,348. Concept and art done by the awesome ICUdhara. Art done by Malezor. Resolution: 2597x3625. Tags : Alice (kattu) Christmas Emily (Kattu) F/F Gabi (kattu) Hyper hyper boobs Hyper breasts Oral Vore Same Size Soft Vore. Favorites: 305Posted by doomed 1 year ago Report. MIME Type: image/jpeg. Resolution: 2867x4429. Tags : Belly Big Belly Emily (Kattu) Evelyn (Kattu) Gabi (kattu) Mother Oral Vore parents Same Size Soft Vore. 94 MiB. Comments: 20. Concept, story and characters: Kattu/PaoGordo. Some are even saying that it's the only singing show out there that can rival American Idol 's early years' success. Comments: 9. 74 MiB. Favorites: 140File ( hide): 1462242274031. Favorites: 412. 51 MiB. Tags: Alternate Universe Breasts F/F f/multiple Female Pred Female Prey Gabi (kattu) Huge belly Huge breasts Kobayashi kobayashi-san chi no maid dragon Lily (kattu) Lucoa Mass Vore Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid Multiple Preys Non-canon Oral Vore Same Size Soft Vore tohruSo here it is, Gabi and Emily – Fun at Uni! Since this is a long story, it's going to be divided in 3 parts, each comic with around 8 pages. Uploaded: 9 months ago. Favorites: 478. if they can get it. Comments: 5. he really did. Resolution: 2480x4455. 36 MiB. Favorites: 160Concept, story, and characters: Kattu/PaoGordo. Resolution: 2893x4092. File size: 1. Writing: VaguenessIncoming. MIME Type: image/jpeg. save. Views: 25,204. MIME Type: image/jpeg. 78 MiB. Views: 9,804. File size: 5. 32 MiB. Comments: 24. Uploaded: 11 months ago. You need to understand that, because of how Gabi was raised by her parents, her morals are different from what you would expect from a normal person. Comments: 4. MIME Type: image/jpeg. Tags : Christmas Emily (Kattu) F/F F/M f/multiple Gabi (kattu) Mass Vore Multiple Preys Oral Vore Same Size Soft Vore. But to answer your question, even if it doesn't show, Gabi's legs are very strong, muscular and dense from all these years having to hold that belly. Tags : Birthday Emily (Kattu) f/multiple Face Imprint Female Pred Gabi (kattu) grin Jenny (kattu) Jill (kattu) Multiple Preds Multiple Preys Oral Vore Same Size sitting on belly Smug Soft Vore throne of bellies. Views: 32,701. File size: 5. png (3. MIME Type: image/jpeg. Favorites: 84Fun with Dragon Maid - 07 - FINAL By kattu -- Report. 99 MiB. MIME Type: image/jpeg. Favorites: 172Archive > kattu > Comics > Jill and Samantha in 'Taken' > Jill and Samantha in 'Taken' - colored - 06 < < Previous Next > > Click here to see the original full-sized image. File size: 7. Favorites: 509. Well, it depends on who is drawing. Parts 2 and 3 will take some time to be made, but hopefully everything will be ready till the end. Resolution: 2819x4615. File size: 4. Tsavo is awesome and his work is expensive. report.